This is not what the teacher should have done. A lesson for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Philippa Rowlands
3 min readDec 17, 2020

A teacher walks up to a student (15)…

“Your shorts are making someone feel uncomfortable. You need to wear something else tomorrow. And don’t wear them again.”

Instant body shame…and doubled, because this was in front of her friends.

The girl was standing in a group. All the girls wearing shorts. Some shorter than others…with their sports uniform.

This particular young lady was wearing split sports shorts with bike shorts underneath.

There was another girl in the group wearing the same sports shorts with no bike shorts underneath.

She was targeted…why?

Because someone specifically pointed her out as making them feel uncomfortable.

This was NOT appropriate behavior FROM THE TEACHER.

This was taking inappropriate action based on a student’s personal opinion.

The girl was not in breach of school uniform rules.

INSTEAD the student who was feeling uncomfortable needed to be coached through their discomfort.

Speaking to the young lady may have felt easier for the teacher, but she should have known better.

An attractive young girl was made to feel ashamed of her body…she was so ashamed she could not even speak to her mother about it…

And then after her mother found out (through a mutual friend whose daughter saw this happen)…

“It is too much trouble to make a fuss especially with Christmas and everything coming up.”

Their choice of course…

But it is the silence that keeps this kind of thing alive. The brush under the carpet. The “she will get over it.” The can’t be bothered.

If this was my daughter I would be engaging my lioness energy and be in the Principal’s office with the teacher in question working through what could have been done better, and asking for the teacher to apologize to my daughter.

I know many people may not have the energy to engage exactly like this…so if this happens to your child and you cannot summon the confidence…

Find an alternative that works for you…write a letter, send an email, talk to the staff in the well-being/counseling department, ask a friend or another parent to go with you, talk to a senior staff member you trust…but don’t let this just fade away…we need to make a stand on this kind of demeaning behavior to make a change…

Remember…that for an impressionable young person this kind of experience may not fade…it may impact them for a lifetime.

One comment to an otherwise confident young lady from a person in a position of power…and she became an instant victim…ashamed, silent, compliant…

This is NOT okay.

When you are in a position of power (as that teacher was) your words and attitudes have a great impact…

That it is a reminder to us all…as leaders, as business owners, as entrepreneurs, as people who have a voice in the world…

To notice the power we have.

To notice the impact we have.

And make choices to use that power consciously and in a positive way to support, uplift, and create the change this world needs…

We all need to be mindful of the impact of our power as leaders, as voices in the world, and as people in the public eye.

What you say matters. The energy you put into the world matters.

It has an impact, probably far greater than you can comprehend, or will ever know…

Be mindful dear ones.

You power is a beautiful thing.

Use it wisely.

Love Philippa



Philippa Rowlands

Leader of Leaders. Highest Level Transformation. Advanced Leadership Mastery. Soulwork for Success. Leadership Specialist. Author. Speaker. Lionhearted Ally.